With temps in the 90s, Wednesday was a good day to get wet. James and I went downtown with Erica after checking out yet another child care center for next year. After dropping Erica off at work, we headed straight to the incomparable
Maggie Daley Park at the north east edge of Grant Park. James is probably a teeny bit too young to really get it all; in another year he'll be the perfect age for the park. But he loved watching the big kids run around and, of course, the sprinklers.
We needed to get back to Erica's workplace, about a mile from the park, so we had to kind of push past a few of the things I'd have rather spent more time with. It's not like any of its going anywhere, and James has the still has the long-term memory of a guppy, so I'm sure we'll be back here in a future installment! Anyway, to this installment:
We made a bee-line to the Bean, aka
Cloud Gate, which has to be in the running for least-likely-to-be, but-which-has-somehow-become-a tourist destination in the United States. It is pretty cool, even if itis kind of just a big bent mirror (and King Lear is just English words strung together, I suppose).
I then made James' day by taking him by the
Crown Fountain, aka, the huge water-spitting towers (you can kind of make out the giant face spitting water on kids in the background left of the first photo). Quite tall, the fountain's falling water was a bit intense for the little guy. He never went all the way under, but he did creep steadily closer as he grew accustomed to the spray. After about 5 minutes, I had to ask two little kids to take him by the hand and lead him back to me (I didn't want to get soaked...). He was furious with me, but shivering cold, and I ended up having to change his whole outfit in a nearby patch of grass.
Closer... |
By the time, we got back to Erica's office, James had dried off somewhat, and James got to meet some of Erica's co-workers.
You can actually see St. Ignatius from this window |
Afterwards, it was off to lunch with our real estate agent (yikes!), where we openly pined for an hour about owning a home, despite the fact that doing so would essentially raise our housing costs about a $1,000/mo. "Everyone else does it" seems to be the going rationale, but that's a lot of cheese to bite off at once. And no, this isn't a Millennial, "I can't commit to anything" kind of deal, it's more of a "even the complete dumps are north of $300,000" one.
We left Erica at work an headed home, where James continued his water ways in the completely awesome water table that Grandpa and Grandma Gholson bought for him, as well as the $12 plastic "pool" I bought for him.
In heaven |